Hungry song writer from Detroit Michigan area with over 100 songs.
Bookworm baby was born Larry Hicks in Sikeston, Missouri, where as a
infant, his parents relocated to Chicago, Ill. Atfer several years of grade
school in Chicago, He family then relocated to Toledo, Ohio, where he spent
most of his years. Back in when he was 16, he would use a double cassette,
keyboard, and mixer and mix his own music in with regular music and give
them to his family and friends. They could not believe it was me. I would
laugh. His friends would call him Bookworm for always being a good
student. He graduated from Owens Community college and The University of
Findlay, OH with a 3.45GPA. He worked for St. Vincent medical center, Owens
Community College, Roadway trucking and the University of Michigan as a
Facilities Manager. a Trucking accident ended his career. God brought music
back into my life. Its Therapy and I would do it for Free. Its Bookworm
Baby!!! Bottoms Ups LLC...