The Beginning
Cobby Parry has always been an ambitious child. Growing up in a poverty
stricken country makes a child want more out of life, but to have an
ambition to become a success worldwide is a huge ambition and also a great
challenge for a Ghana boy to achieve. But against all odds Cobby set his
mind to make it happen any means necessary.
Changes occurred in the life of Cobby Parry in the early millennium. He
moved to a new country(United Kingdom), he became out casted and found
himself isolated all of his days. Been solitary activated Cobby's passion
for writing and creating music intense. Having no one to talk to he found
therapy in writing poems and music based on his feelings and experience.
Repazent Street Garms
The time as come and the dawn of a new era in fashion as been born and with
the rebirth, the florishes of Repazent Street Garms as spread in the minds
of all those trend setters and style icons.