Jerome Denzel Barnett aka Denziblue was born and raised in the Harlem River
Houses in Harlem, where his musical journey began at the tender age of five
dancing at local block parties and watching local celebrities like Master
Don and the Death Committee perform during the summer back in the mid 70's.
During his teenage year's Denzi, his twin brother Jermaine and a few other
neighborhood kids began to freestyle just for fun but as time went on Denzi
began to take music more seriously so at the time of his mother's death he
began to write more diligently while living in Kansas with his older sister
who took him and his brother back with her after burying their mother. In
1988 Denzi and family returned to NYC for good and that is where he and
Jermaine came across BMI and decided to become songwriting affiliates by
creating SOL/Infinity Music Works at the age of 15 , with big dreams and
aspirations Denzi met Producer and Entrepreneur Clifford L. Marshall of
Dressed In Black Entertainment who then took him under his wing and made
him his main hip-hop artist , through his connections Clifford booked Denzi
under the moniker Lil pepz (which he is still known as when performing with
his group Kontraband) to perform everywhere from Taft High School in the
Bronx to Baltimore street fairs with the then unknown R