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Loch Lomond, Scotland
10 Spins 1 Songs 1 Bookmarks


"Dave plays like he got his skin turned inside out and pretty soon my skin was inside out too listening and it was all good. That boy bleeds for you – he a real down deep player and a soul man..." SEASICK STEVE

SLIDE guitarist & songwriter Dave Arcari’s alt.blues sounds owe as much to trash country, punk and rockabilly as they do pre-war Delta blues and have been showcased via seven internationally-acclaimed solo CD releases.

His latest album – Nobody’s Fool – was released on French record label Dixiefrog in March 2012.

A new album – Whisky in My Blood – is scheduled for release on Finnish record label Blue North in Spring 2013.

Shows with folks including Steve Earle, Alabama 3, Seasick Steve, Toby Keith and Jon Spencer along with his relentless UK and European tour schedule have established Arcari as a formidable international solo performer who is fast building a media reputation as a 'hell-raising National guitar madman'.


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