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Atlanta, Georgia
23 Spins 1 Songs 2 Bookmarks


Young Dirty Bastard...................... Brooklyn born, Barson Unique Jones - grew up under the influence of nine legendary hip-hop emcees known to the world as Wu Tang Clan. One of the founders and leaders of the group was his father, Russell Jones – the late great & beloved Ol' Dirty Bastard. And, his cousin is Rza, the producer of the multiplatinum supergroup. ............................... Jones had mostly remained on the sideline as an admirer of the music being created by his family. But one day at nine years old of age, his father called him to perform verses on his song “Shimmy Shimmy Ya”, at the world famous Apollo stage in Harlem. From that day forward he always felt an urge to perform. His father thought he was just playing games when he would ask to go in the booth to record and would always respond by telling his son “you cant rap.” Barson decided to form a group with a friend called “Bang Out” at the age of sixteen and began to further develop his writing and performing skills.


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