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Born January 8, 1981Young K was born and raised in St. Louis, Mo. At the age of six Young K had a very strong passion for music. Being in talent shows at a young age, he felt that being on stage is where he truley belonged. If he wasn't on stage it just didn't feel right for him. From there on out he new that this was his dream to be a performer. At the age of sixteen Young K recorded his first record in a professional studio at Avanti in Central West End. He was with a group by the name of Smokas Playas Hustlers ( SPH ). At Pattonville High, were he attented his high School days he use to battle Rukka Puff on contact time. At that time Rukka Puff was in a group called POG ( Pimped Out Ganstas ). From there unfortunatly the streets called him and he fell off deeply. In the streets he got caught up in drugs which later lead him to jail. While in jail he had time to reflect on the choices that he had made and realized that if he wanted to fullfil his dream of being a sucessful Rap star that he would have to make some major changes in his life. When he was released from jail on March 6, 2002 he went and found employment ( a Legal gig ). He was employed at Jiffy Lube at the time. In his free time he started rapping with one of his friends Mercy. It was then that his friend found major talent in Young K. From there the Ceo of Thumbz down ( Mook ) ended up signing Young K to the label. Still with Thumbz Down he finished his first solo, Thug Congregation, which was also hosted by DJ Cuddy from 104.1a major radio station in the St. Louis area. Shortly after his release of Thug Congregation, Young K had a dispute with one of the members in Thumbz Down, which later lead him out to venture on his own. From there Young K felt that nothing could hold him back. He new it would be hard but yet he strived to do what he did best and that was to write and perform his music. Still a long journey ahead of him Young K continues to perform at shows. He is currently working on his latest project, The Truth based on a true story which is soon to hit the streets in 2009.

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