December 20th 1990 would be the the start of Tyronne P's life, born on the
southside of Chicago being a average for most of his life until one day
when he moved to the north suburbs of illinois called waukegan were he
started to develop his taste of music. and at the age of 12 is when his
life would change forever. starting off being a battle rapper most of jr
high school then 1 day he decided to become an MC strugllin everday with a
pad n a pencil to figure out how to structure a beat into a song. from the
start he declared hisself prince of da midwest because he felt that no one
in his age is no where near his flow or uniqe style. years of recording
music n writing lyrics, he decided to venture off n become a producer to
help young upincoming artist such as himself make a name for theirself all
at the age of 15, now an 19 year old prodigy he declares himself the self
proclaimed "BEST YOUNG RAPPER ALIVE". reason why is because he feels that
what he does cannot be immitated or duplicated.