Producer,Song writer evolving from California's murder capital in EAST PALO
ALTO,began his craft at the age of 9yrs old living couch to couch using a
pencil as his microphone able to develope whole song without writing while
hustling in the North and East side streets of COLUMBUS,OHIO.By the age of
12 he would then learn what it meant to be a man amongst boys,producing his
own tracks in his words"IF ANY BODY BELIEVED IN ME AT 12 my gosh"Hunter's
mother sent him back to california in hope he would stay out of
trouble.While deriving the name THE BIG GAME HUNTER from the streets itself
being known for his adaptation and doing what is known as the impossible
for his age.He would then seek his first show in 9th grade for a 106.1
KMEL's contest earning the privilage of performing at CHABOT College in
HAYWARD,Ca amongst hundreds of people his thirst to perform only grew
stronger.At the age of 16,THE BIG GAME HUNTER leaving to jobs in quest to
help feed family still grinding for that oppertuinity(more info@links)