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Natchez,Ms,Coloraod Springs,Pueblo,...
16 Spins 2 Songs 1 Bookmarks


When you hear Mississippi you hear David Banner's name,not just that but people start spelling out M,I,Crooked Letta,Hump Back, bullshit!! With the birth of Harry Lee Smith Jr(Born May 26, 1983), known to the South/West as QB Masburge or a variety of allias(The Hood Willie Mayes,Mr. Carismatic,Mr. Steal The Show, The Man of 300 Hearts and Soul, and many more), is set out to make the world invision much more than that. He is the front man/leading artist of the Bayou Boi Music/Song Cast Music Promotions. QB first started rhyming at the tender age of 10, performing the likes of artist(The Temptations,Big Daddy Kane, MC Hammer, Zap and Roger,N.W.A.,Mike Jackson, as well as other Rap of Fame Artists) for family and peers. "I been in love with music since my elementry days in the school choir"states QB, he futher states, "It was either play sports or music, we HAD no choice". QB did both, but at such a young age QB chose to play basketball and dropped out of band class as well as the choir in elementry school. Little did he know at the age of 13 his father died and QB then stopped playing sports. In search of a father figure QB turnned to the gang riddle streets of Natchez, repping his hoods M-Town and South Canal. Always known as the kid to be diffrent from all the other that was in the incrowd QB went back to his other love which was music. Highly dissed and rediculed of his lyrics and style QB never gave up on being himself. "I strive and stick close to what i believe in and thats being MYSELF" QB states. So within saying that QB graduated Natchez High School in 2001 and joined the military, which landed him in the state of Colorado. "The Military is a gift and a curse",says QB, "due to the fact that I got away from the streetz as well as meeting diffrent people from everywhere" QB says. While serving a tour in Korea QB met and became very close friends with a South Philly rep by the name of That Boy Gen(short for Gensis). When they herd QB spit for the first time out of nowhere they fell in love with his style and imbraced/coached him, as he began to take his career seriously. All while in the mix of serving 3 tours in Irak in the War QB never gave up on his mission as to repping for those without a voice. While in his last tour QB recorded and Released his first ever solo album "Emotional Rollacoasta Vol.1" via Song Cast Music Promotions worlwide. So now there you have the message is in the songs, "My Voice Is My Testimony" in the words of QB Masburge!!! Now recording and gearing up to release his up and coming album "The Stew Pot" to a slue of other albums hes featured on as well as his on albums and mixtapes/street albums. QB Masburge will be herd and felt!!


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