Pearl City is a group in their own lane, made up of Slim Dymonz, Sean
Browne, and Flashy. These three guys are filled with determination and love
for music. Sean Browne and Slim Dymonz moved away from their family to
pursue their dream. There personality drives their music and brings them to
heights where they feel untouchable. Coming along way from their first song
together “Double Bubble”, Pearl City just wants to show the world what
they are capable of doing. Learning how to make music from Cash Fortune and
Pushing their talent to the limit. Hitting many different styles of Hip Hop
expands their fan base. Pearl City Persevered through many different
obstacles from equipment they can’t afford breaking, to members getting
separated, then to parents getting laid off. Threw the hardship they gained
appreciation, especially for the fan that dance and sing their music.
Pearl City states
“When you can be in a room with white people, black People,
nerds, thugs, preps, and old fashioned people, and have everybody rockin’
to your music you know you got something special. . . . .It doesn’t
matter who we perform for or with we are going to shine!”
“I think people forget what’s important as artist; it’s not
about money or jewelry, it’s about how people feel when they hear you
music. You know how you know when you’re rich? When you can look up and
the crowd is singing your lyrics.”
Dropping their first major mixtape “Numb From the Waist Down” witch had
hits like “ALL DAT” and “Shorty” Pearl City hit a whole new level
of expectations. They hold them self’s as professional artist when they
make music and perform. Pearl City loves music to the point where they
can’t see themselves doing anything else. Enjoying every time they get to
be on stage or rap for a fan. Pearl City believes their going to beat the
odds and be the future of music.