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Houston, TX
36 Spins 1 Songs 1 Bookmarks


The Biography of Christopher L. Crawford
A.K.A, Prophet J

I was born on December 4, 1978 on the Southside of Delray Beach, FL. The conditions of the city at that point in time were horrific. Drugs, violence, prostitution, etc., plagued the neighborhood. My mother and father had fallen victim to the monster called ‘crack cocaine’ that ravaged the states in the 80’s, preferably Delray Beach. Neither of my biological parents was present, so my grandmother, Mary Ann Potts, had to take me in at 12 days old. Years later my father had died and my mother was still battling her addiction, so she just continued on to raise me up until adolescence and into adulthood.
My grandmother made SURE I was in church every Sunday. My grandfather too, even though he never went himself. We attended Community Primitive Baptist Church, Elijah Weatherspoon was the pastor. I sung in the choir, lead devotionals, and participated in other functions. That gave the Lord time to plant a seed deep into my heart. As I got older, I rebelled and begin a downward spiral leading to a disappointing and sad future. I began stealing cars, snatching purses, selling drugs, robbing, smoking marijuana, and anything else I was bad enough to do. I had so many opportunities to do something with my life. Consequently, instead of choosing the plan God had for my life, I followed my own which led to destruction.
I was in and out of jail, homeless, wandering from city to city, living with family and friends, and unstable in with my walk with the Lord. I felt like such a failure and rightfully so. My actions had let so many people down. I was not on drugs or alcohol, but it was something even worse when you have proclaimed allegiance with the Lord…disobedience. All these things occurred because of my rebellion. Yet in the midst of it all God was shaping me, molding me, preparing me for His purpose.
I never really had a formal conversion to Jesus Christ. You know, going to the alter at church, someone coming up to you telling about Jesus, seeing a television broadcast, or listening to the gospel radio station. I kind of always knew He was present. He would reveal Himself in ways that would simply astonish me, and also some that were kind of frightening.
The Lord has called me as a prophet and made this calling clear as I was ordained on March 3, 2003 at Circle of Prayer by Pastor Vernita Gates. He has called me to preach the gospel to the lost, hurting, the backslidden, and those that are bound by demons, sickness, emotional distresses or anything that would keep an individual that has been redeemed of the Lord from living the abundant life Jesus Christ has died to give them through the means of the spoken word and the performing arts. The Lord has anointed me to bring about this work and to complete it.


hello i would like to know if you could stop at my page and look at the song called abused it is a song i wrote it is a very powerful song and it hit home for a lot of people it is about real life please let me know what you think
by lisamarc on 11/06/2010 at 05:03 am

i will like to say wow your voice is amazing !!!
by lisamarc on 11/06/2010 at 05:03 am

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