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MasterMinds Ent
South Florida
21 Spins 2 Songs 0 Bookmarks


The MasterMinds were founded by Mpire Diablo and Mike, brothers with a passion for hip hop. Lyonel Streetz and Matt da Son are each close friends of the two. With Diablo and Streetz at the front, Mike and Matt play the role of the back bone to the MasterMinds. 5M has been pursuing their goals in music publicly since 2008 and has now gotten on their feet in 2010 and is beggining their journey as artists.


chk out my new joint "liq jagger swagga" "nascar fast video" " be aght" drop me a line and vote ya digg!
by Liqwid aka liq hefner on 08/06/2010 at 04:21 pm

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