LIL FELLY was born (Patrick Matui) on (January 29th 1991) and grew up in
Eastlands, Easleigh section 3 (MADIWA) the Neighbourhood of Califonia,
Nairobi. He is a rapper and song Writter based in Kenya. He's the second
born in a family of four children. His stage names are; Lil Felly, Lil
FuMe, Young, Dope & Fresh & ThoMas jr.
LIL FELLY is a Humble name Meaning:
L -Let
I -I
L -Live
F -For
E -Every
L -Little
L -Life
FuMe started rapping at the age of 13 when he was in Primary school. He
gott the whole school wanting to hear Him rap on The Media one day cause he
was the schools favourite Rapper even when he was in high school.
Lil Felly is The Owner & founder of Young DreaMer Family (Y.D.F).
Young DreaMer Family is a music group that consists of Young, Dope & Fresh
rappers, vocalists, & song writters.
''If i Made it thru my background Then My end ain't