Flako Da Great
Philadelphia PA
ShoutOut to #InvasionLife It's that Loyalty & Love
New Mixtape Comming Soon "Loyalty & Love" and Group Mixtape "Loyalty Iz
Everything Stay Tuned 2013 Know That
Flako Birthname Raul Sanchez 92" originated from Brooklyn NY,
By the age 13 he seened alot including the tragic in his family that nearly
ripped his family apart, As he moved to house to house as his family
struggled to stay on food stamps, To keep clothes on us and survive, Now
currently back and forth in Philly and to help out his family and
accomplish by graduating out of college and will have a back up plan as he
continues recording new tracks with his team from child hood, In the year
2013 Flako started a group in Puerto Rico from his Institution 4 member
including Flako Da Great, KBRA, Lil' B Aka Freak & Yameal All Originated
from Mayaguez PR, As of now he continues finishing school including making
new music everyday with himself and with the team. Twitter @flakodagreat215