The Industry’s pipes are clogged with every city’s hardship cases.
It’s become harder and harder to tell one street corner from another. But
every city, every country, every island has its rare gem, its “Diamond in
the Rough”. From out of Galveston, TX the people’s diamond, the Voice
of the Island, has dusted his boots off and taken another step towards
domination. Most ironically, Bam Bam wasn’t raised on the streets. Born
on December 22, even his name Octavius Atkins, has the essence of greatness
about it. He was loved and cared for in one of the rare two parent homes.
By the third grade after reading, from cover to cover, a how to book on rap
by the Fresh Prince; Bam Bam was soon making up his own little nursery
rhymes. Having two loving parents, grandmother, basketball and a best
friend doesn’t mean life was perfect. By the age of 15 Bam Bam had lost
his beloved grandmother, his best friend and most tragically his father.
The knowledge Bam Bam acquired from his tattered copy of his Fresh Prince
book, became his outlet. The pain that poured from his heart dropped like
ink onto paper and his rhymes began to dull the ache. It was a desperately
needed release and the catalyst for the man that stands before you today;
that diamond lovingly shined then dusted in despair.
With several full-length underground releases under his belt along with his
debut album “Da Voice of the Island” and an imposing list of shows and
features, Bam Bam will soon be stepping out of obscurity and into your
homes with his upcoming release entitled “BIG THANGS”. For years Bam
Bam has operated below the radar but this new release will be his big
announcement to the world that BAM-BAM has officially stepped into the game
and will implement change that will redesign the face of the Music
“After hearing so many people tell me I can’t do it. I realized that it
was time to shake things up”, says Bam Bam. He adds, “I feel like I
have to win it for them too now.” Whoever Bam Bam does this for doesn’t
dull the shine he emits for the world to see. Step by step, heartache after
heartache, memory after memory; the dream that once seemed impossible
stands before him like a beacon. The love of those he lost along the way,
shine just as bright behind the lyrics of every rhyme.